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Welcome to The Cox Library

The Cox Library is a private library devoted to the thoroughbred horse.

The collection consists of books and other printed material related to the worldwide history and organisation of horse racing and thoroughbred breeding, in fact and fiction.

Other print material includes magazines, newspapers, scrapbooks, documents, prints, postcards, cigarette cards, photographs, postage stamps, games and ephemeral material, such as betting tickets and racecourse badges.

The long-term objective of this site is to provide a complete listing of all books on the thoroughbred horse that have been published worldwide.

The intention is to share the content of these books with researchers, book collectors and book sellers. This will be done through direct contact with the Librarian and through the exchange of ideas amongst subscribers.

Please consider this site as work-in-progress. The basic details (short title, author and publication date) for each of the books in the Library have been recorded. More detail will be added over time, together with details about books not yet in the Library. In the meantime, if more information about a book is sought, please do not hesitate to Ask the Librarian.

None of the books in the Library is for sale or for lending.

Latest Addtions

The Racetrack Gangs: Four decades of doping, intimidation and violent crime (12306)
Updated: 26/03/2025

Syndicates to Race 2025 (12305)
Updated: 10/03/2025

Illustrated Souvenir of the Palace of Arts British Empire Exhibition (12304)
Updated: 10/03/2025

Turf and Sport Digest (12303)
Updated: 28/02/2025

Confessions of a slow two-miler: A racing memoir (12302)
Updated: 22/02/2025

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